A fabulous day out for Guides and their Families! 2019 Trek-a-Bout with a difference will give Guides and their families the opportunity to walk a circuit around the Swan River and complete activities with a sustainability focus. When Guides complete all activities, they receive a vintage Trek-a-Bout badge for their Guide blankets.
2019 Trek-a-Bout with a difference is open to all members of Girl Guides WA and their families to attend. Leaders, bring your family to join in the fun or meet the Unit at the event for a Unit event.
Guides aged 13 years or older may walk unsupervised with friends (with the permission of their parents).
Time: 9am to 2pm (register from 9-10am)
Cost for adults: Adult Members and parents - Free
Cost for Children: Youth Members and siblings - $10 each
Location: Trek-a-Bout takes participants on the 6.2 Km loop from the Windan Bridge to the Causeway. Activities will be along the trail. Select your start point when you register. A shorter route is available.
Register your Girl Guide today!