In Burswood Park

Bird life and fauna

Bird life 

A dedicated regeneration program, which commenced in 1986, has transformed an unloved refuse area into unique parklands, encouraging the return of bird life including many indigenous bird species.

Today, many varieties of bird life and water fowl call Burswood Park home.

Visitors can enjoy the diversity of local fauna as the seasons change.

Please do not feed the birds. The Town of Victoria Park’s Health Local Law 2003 (clause 78) states that “A person shall not feed a pigeon, dove, seagull, ibis, raven or other wild bird, so as to cause a nuisance or be injurious or dangerous to health.”

It is also an offence under Section 33D of the Dog Act 1976 for a dog to attack or chase a person or other animal whether injury is caused or not. Please ensure your dogs are on a lead at all times and do not approach the wildlife.


We love our wildlife and hate seeing any that are injured or distressed.
So, if you come across one that is in trouble during business hours, call us ASAP on 9361 4475 to organise help.
If it's after hours, you can call:
Western Australian Seabird Rescue - 6102 8464
Wildcare Helpline (WA) - 9474 9055
Wildlife Rescue Australia - 1300 596 457
Perth Wildlife Rescue Network - 0498 059 256
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